Sustainable Team Building: what it is, how to apply it and its benefits for a company

Team Building Sostenible: qué es
There is a misconception about sustainability. Rather than misconceived, we would say incomplete.
If you think about it for just a moment, what does sustainability mean to you?
Perhaps the first concept that pops into your head is care for the environment, but that is not the only definition it encompasses.
This concept also aims to improve working conditions, creating jobs with decent conditions, fostering healthy environments and relationships with the whole team of a company, while taking measures to reduce the negative impact on the planet.
The implementation of strategies that lead to these goals is known as sustainable team building.
Today we want to explain what it is, how to carry it out and the benefits you can get from using it.

What is sustainable team building?

A sustainable team building, in English sustainable team building, is a term that is currently enjoying great popularity.
But what does it actually consist of?
They are activities that involve the employees of a company to carry out actions that minimise CO2 emissions, integrating sustainable actions within the organisation and aligning the whole team to work together.
But not only that, but also making responsible use of natural resources, protecting the environment and promoting solidarity and equality.
Strategies are diverse, but here are some ideas to guide you:
  • Share information with employees about sustainable developments within the company and generate debate around this issue.
  • Competitions on sustainable practices with other companies or even between different teams within the same company.
  • Organise activities that involve a commitment to sustainability.
The team building activities that can be carried out are very diverse: ecological volunteering, trekking, orienteering with maps by teams, outdoor sports, etc.
A new sustainable experience in an organic garden 25 minutes from Barcelona.

Our commitment to sustainable development

At SolarMente, we were not going to be left behind in this respect. That’s why we have joined in with volunteering activities within the company and forging relationships between the whole team. In other words, what has always been known as “doing things together”, but with a sustainable commitment.
Moreover, we have not been alone on this trip, but we have had the help and company of Green Events Barcelona.
An organisation that designs sustainable experiences in Barcelona and its surroundings with the aim of generating a positive impact both socially and for the environment.

This is what it was like to work in the countryside for a day

So we set off to visit an organic garden near Barcelona where they are creating a sustainable agricultural project.
This garden is managed by a cooperative that works under the principles of social and solidarity economy:
  • They use ethical banking.
  • They make efficient use of natural resources.
  • They have a participatory and transparent work organisation.
  • They allow personal conciliation and give work to immigrants in vulnerable situations.
All participants in this project grow and offer local products.

The SolarMente team learning about the sustainable project together with volunteers.

The SolarMente team learning about the sustainable project together with volunteers.
And what knowledge did the SolarMente team take home with them?
Concepts about agroecology, seasonal crops and Mediterranean plants, among many other concepts.
But it doesn’t end here. We have contributed to the maintenance of this social project and reflect on sustainable food.
All the products have been local and organic. And you won’t believe it. We have done the work of harvesting and cooking! to make calçots, a typical Catalan food.
This new sustainable experience has allowed us to promote knowledge and reflection on agroecology and responsible consumption.

We all gathered the calçots together.

Team collection of calçots.

We cooked a calçotada as a team.

The SolarMente team saying goodbye to a great day together with a volunteer.

Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals

This activity is aligned with and contributes to some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and they have been included in our diploma:
  • SDG 1 End poverty.
  • SDG 2 Zero hunger.
  • SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation.
  • SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth.
  • SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities.
  • SDG 12 Responsible production and consumption.
  • SDG 13 Climate action.
  • SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals.

Our certificate of participation in the sustainable event.

Sustainable team building benefits: a stronger and more committed team

The benefits of using team building strategies are clear to see. The team is happier, more content and productivity is increased at very high rates.
But not only this, the projected company image is perceived as a total commitment to employees, a work environment where they want to work and the attraction of talented people who want to join the team. Think about it, it’s all advantages.
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